ABC Dance company policy…
X_____ Registration Fee: $60 for the full school year. The full-year fee is good for one year from June 16th, 2025, to June 15th, 2026. The registration fee is non-refundable and non-transferable. Students who drop out for more than one month and later return are required to re-register and will be required to pay a new registration fee unless previous arrangements are made.
X_____ Payments: Tuition is due on the 1st of each month and is automatically charged to the credit card on file. We use a web-based accounting system that allows parents/guardians to log in and view their students' class schedules, and account details, make payments, and more.
X_____ Late Fee Policy:
· If a card declines on the 1st, a $10 declined payment fee will be applied immediately. Parents will receive an automatic email notification and have 24 hours to update their payment method before a reattempt is made.
· If payment remains unresolved by the 5th, an additional $20 late fee will be applied.
· If tuition is still unpaid by the 10th, the student will not be allowed to attend class until the balance is settled.
· Autopay Rewards Incentive: Parents who remain continuously enrolled in autopay without any declined payments for six consecutive months will receive a $5 tuition discount on their seventh month.
X_____ Returned Checks: A $30 fee will be charged for all returned checks.
X_____ Uniform Policy: Students are expected to follow the dress code of ABC Dance Studio Company. Students may be asked to leave the classroom if they are not dressed properly. All students will be expected to wear their uniforms in class by no later than October 1st. Uniforms include ABC leotard, ABC shorts, ABC sports bra, ABC shirts, or ABC pants, depending on the class. Students must also have their hair up securely for class. A bun is required for all levels of ballet, while a ponytail is acceptable for all levels of other classes. No jewelry is to be worn in class for safety purposes. All students should wear cover-ups to and from the studio. Please write the student’s name on all dancewear and shoes. All uniform requirements are strictly enforced for each season and are required for class and recital. All items can be purchased at ABC Dance Studio Company.
X____ Absences and Cancellations: Consistent attendance is expected for all classes. Dance is a group effort, and a student’s absence affects the entire group. Any classes canceled due to holidays or weather conditions will not be rescheduled. Makeup classes can usually be arranged for missed sessions. We encourage students to take advantage of this option to stay on track with their dance education. If a student misses a class, the school must be notified, and a make-up class can be scheduled at any time during the season. If at any time a student desires to cancel his/her program completely, the student/parent must fill out a cancellation form. This form must be submitted and received by no later than the 1st of any month. If the cancellation form is not received by the 1st, the student will be responsible for payment of missed classes until the cancellation form has been submitted and received. Exceptions to this policy will only be made for students missing more than two weeks due to extreme illnesses, with proper medical documentation.
X_____ Performances: ABC Dance Studio Company will host two performances during the 2025-2026 season:
· Holiday Show – December 17, 2025
· Annual Recital – June 2026 (date TBA)
Participation in performances is optional but encouraged to give students a stage experience and celebrate their progress. Details, including costume requirements and fees, are outlined in the Recital Handbook, which will be provided to all participating families.
X_____ Conduct Policy: At ABC Dance Studio Company, we uphold a culture of respect, professionalism, and inclusivity in alignment with our core values. All students, parents, and staff members are expected to contribute to a positive and supportive dance environment.
· Respect: Students must treat their teachers, classmates, and studio staff with respect at all times. Bullying, negative behavior, or disruptive actions will not be tolerated.
· Commitment & Responsibility: Dancers are expected to arrive on time, be prepared for class, and put forth their best effort in every session.
· Studio Etiquette: Students must follow all studio rules, including maintaining a clean space, using respectful language, and adhering to dress code requirements.
· Positive Attitude: We encourage a growth mindset and support each dancer's individual progress without comparison.
· Parental Support: Parents and guardians are asked to promote a positive studio culture by respecting instructors' decisions and encouraging their child's dance journey.
Failure to adhere to these conduct expectations may result in a warning, a parent-teacher conference, or, in severe cases, dismissal from the program.
X_____ After School Care: ABC Dance Studio Company offers the After-School Dance Program as a dance course/study time and is not a licensed childcare facility. Assistance to complete schoolwork and supervision will be provided to all students who enroll in our After School Care Program. The program provides an individual workspace for children to complete homework, eat a snack, and take a class. All After-School Care Registration Fees are non-refundable.
X_____ Participation Liability Waiver and Hold Harmless Agreement: ABC Dance Studio Company is not responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged personal belongings. Students are encouraged to keep valuables at home and use designated areas for their belongings. The studio is not liable for any missing items and will not provide compensation or replacements.
By participating in any dance class, workshop, rehearsal, or performance, I understand that there is a possibility of physical injury. I agree to assume all risks of injury that might occur during any class, rehearsal, or performance at ABC Dance Studio Company. By signing this statement, I declare that the participant is in good health, with no physical conditions that might prevent participation in dance activities. I acknowledge that dance requires physical contact between instructors and students for proper instruction and safety. By participating in any dance class, workshop, rehearsal, or performance, I understand that there is a possibility of physical injury. I agree to assume all risks of injury that might occur during any class, rehearsal, or performance at ABC Dance Studio Company. By signing this statement, I declare that the participant is in good health, with no physical conditions that might prevent participation in dance activities. I acknowledge that dance requires physical contact between instructors and students for proper instruction and safety.
As a participant in any of our activities, it is understood that it is done under the operation of ABC Dance Studio Company. ABC Dance Studio Company is not responsible for any activity outside of its business operation. It is the responsibility of the parent if the child is left outside the business of operation before any activity is scheduled or before the business is officially opened. Children should not be left unsupervised before or after class. Instructors are busy teaching and are not responsible for students who are not in class. Once a student enters the school for class/rehearsal, he or she is not allowed to leave the premises until an authorized person picks them up. ABC Dance Studio Company is not responsible for children who stand outside, leave the building, roam the grounds, or visit neighboring businesses.
I do hereby fully release and discharge ABC Dance Studio Company, its owners, employees, assistants, volunteers, guest artists, and instructors from any and all claims of injuries, damages, or loss that I or my minor child may have, or which may occur as a result of participation in ABC Dance Studio Company activities. I further grant permission to ABC Dance Studio Company to use photographs of myself or my minor child, taken during class or performance, for publicity purposes or studio-related media.